Welcome 🍀
Thanks for visiting my digital lab!
I’m Bowen, a graduate student at ETH Zürich D-ITET. I’m currently a research intern at ETH SIP Lab with Paul Streli, and a project intern at ETH IIS with Yichao Zhang.
My research is on Energy-Efficient High-Performance SoC, and apply the skill in hardware design into the field of healthcare applications.
Except for all the school stuff, I’m also a travel enthusiast and a bon vivant, always looking for dedicated restaurants respecting local ingredients.
Freitag digital print collector just for the record. 🎒
This blog is the place for me to document my personal life as well as my academic explorations.
- Travel — Places I visited during my free time.
- Hiking — Literally plans for hiking.
- Projects — Research project conducted with detailed info and blog posts.
- Research Blogs — Research notes related to my main research interests.
- Feb 18 2023 - Website v0.1 Published!